
Creating campaigns

Navigate to the"Campaigns" tab in your admin area on the left hand side of the screen:


Click "Create New" on the top right of the Campaigns table:


You will have the ability next to choose what activities, you would like to have included in your campaign. Once selected, hit “Create New” to open up a campaign template:


From here, you will want to fill out the below details of the campaign:

  • Campaign name
  • Image
  • Description
  • Dates (can be "ongoing,” for a current time period or for a future date)
  • Match goal (this can be set up as part of your company matching or as a one time matching opportunity)
  • Nonprofits supported (can have as many as you'd like)
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • Share settings (automatically add campaign to team dashboard)

Once you have completed this information, go ahead and hit create!

In the admin Campaigns tab you will now be able to view it along with key details such as amount raised, activity types included in campaign and if the campaign has an end date.


For employees, all campaigns will now be viewable in the Events tab as well as the company dashboard (if live and added to dashboard in setup).


