Did you receive a check from Percent?🤷 Millie is a proud partner of Percent, a donor advised fund partner.
Starting in January of 2024, all donations on Millie will be processed through Percent. This allows nonprofits to receive funds much faster than the traditional check. Percent's team focuses much of their effort on helping nonprofits set up electronic payments.
Set up electronic payments
Streamline the donation process and receive funds faster. Electronic payments help reduce the margin of error, enhances security, and improves donor experience to encourage repeat donations!
Got questions?🙋 You can email our nonprofit support team at nonprofits@milliegiving.com. Our team is eager to provide support in any way possible.
Make sure to claim your profile on Millie while you’re at it!
Reach thousands of donors and boost workplace giving program contributions by optimizing your Millie nonprofit profile - customize your profile and tell the giving world your story!
Find out even more information about Millie and how to maximize your profile here.