
Searching for Events

Volunteer Events

Volunteer events offer a great way to give back, learn new skills, and meet like-minded people. Here are some upcoming opportunities. Millie regularly adds events to their all access database, but your company may add events as well that are private just to their employees.

To search for volunteer opportunities, you will want to first go to the Volunteer option on the top navigation bar.


Any volunteer events that are company sponsored will show up at the top of search results when on the main volunteer page and are designated with a company logo in the bottom left of the picture.


From here, you have a variety of ways to filter down to see options based on your preferences and interests. These search options can be used on their own or together depending on how specific you want your search to be.

Search options

Categories - This will allow you to search by the category associated with the event and the nonprofit. This information either is pulled directly from IRS filing data and/or can be added by an admin when they are setting up company sponsored events.


(FOR ADMIN USE ONLY) - To set a category for an event, you will do that on the initial volunteer event creation page.


Search Bar - This is a free form bar where you can type in any phrases, key words, etc that you would like to pull options related to.


Filter Dropdown - Here you can get more precise with the event parameters including location, as well as if events are designated for particular group sizes, time commitments or skills expectations.