
Match Settings & Criteria

Millie is honored to help support companies that offer a match program.

Company match programs are initiatives where employers match their employees' contributions to certain causes, such as charitable donations or retirement savings plans. These programs not only encourage employees to give back to their communities or save for the future but also demonstrate the company's commitment to social responsibility and employee well-being. By participating in these programs, employees can effectively double the impact of their contributions, fostering a culture of generosity and financial security within the workplace.

We know that match programs can be unique to a company’s goals and budget, so we work to try and make our platform as flexible as possible to support this.

Match Settings - General

Prior to lunching your program, you will want to set up your match criteria in your company instance. This is located on the left hand navigator as Match Settings under the tab Donations.


You will want to set:

  • Match ratio
  • Budget caps (per employee and per company). You will need to designate this information in the company wallet as it will need to be tied back to a payment source.

Lastly, you will need to decide how you want to process two match default related items.

  1. Auto or Manual approval of employee submitted match requests
  2. How nonprofits should show in search results

Match Settings - Nonprofits

Once employees start submitting match requests, you are able to track all of them on the Nonprofits page of the Match Settings section.

Here you are able to see all requests by category (the icon at the beginning of the line item), the nonprofit’s name, location, EIN information and the approval status.


There are filters provided as well to allow sorting by nonprofit as well as match rule designation.


Beside each nonprofit there are three little dots that will take you to additional information around the nonprofit.

  • Analytics on giving to this organization
  • The Millie profile of the nonprofit
  • The manage page where an admin can specify match allowance and chose to hide the nonprofit from showing up on company Top Nonprofits lists


If a nonprofit is set to be approved, an admin will receive this message:


When selecting “restrict,” an admin will get this pop up:


Match Settings - Categories

If there are certain nonprofit categories or subcategories that your company does not want to offer matching to as a whole, you can opt to restrict them in the categories section.


For more details, rules and support on how to manage this area, please check out the “Help” button located at the top of this section.
