1. Click "Donate"
2. Search for a specific Nonprofit or browse our suggestions!
3. Click on the Nonprofit you wish to donate to
4. Once on the Nonprofit profile page, scroll down to the bottom of the profile's donation options and select your amount from the box that says “Monthly Donation”.
You can select an amount or type in a custom amount. Then click Set Recurring Donation!
Recurring donations are processed monthly and deduct from the money in your wallet. If there isn't enough money in your wallet on your recurring date of the month, you will be charged for the donation from your default payment method you set in your wallet.
We have a minimum wallet donation charge of $20, so in the case your recurring donation is less than that, you will be charged $20.
Tracking all Recurring Donations
You are able to find all of your donation details, including recurring ones, in your wallet. If you scroll down to the bottom of this page, you are able to sort by: Past Activity, Recurring Donations and Payroll Deductions. This is where you can also choose to opt out of a recurring donation if you need to stop one at any point.