
Setting up a Drive

Navigate to the"Campaigns" tab in your admin area on the left hand side of the screen, and choose “Campaigns” from the drop down.


From here, you will click the purple “Create New” button on the far right side.


This will open up the option to choose up to three activities to include in your campaign: Donations. Volunteering and Goods Drive.


Once on the campaign’s page, you will still want need to add in the basic campaign details: name, image, short description, dates. After completing this information, you will add in the drive specific information.


Multiple goods can be added to the drive and a goal can be set by either establishing a quantity or monetary amount.


You will want to decide if you want employees to be able to track donations themselves or if you only want admin to be responsible for adding to the tracker.


Lastly, decide if you want to share this drive to your company dashboard and hit Create!
