
Employee volunteering

Volunteering is a meaningful way for employees to give back to their communities and make a positive impact. It allows individuals to contribute their time, skills, and resources to support causes they are passionate about.

By engaging in volunteering activities, employees can develop new skills, broaden their perspectives, and foster a sense of fulfillment and purpose. It also strengthens team bonds and promotes a positive company culture. Whether it's participating in community service projects, organizing fundraisers, or offering professional expertise to nonprofits, employee volunteering plays a vital role in creating a better world.

Volunteering options

On Millie there are a variety of different ways that you can get involved with volunteering. By clicking on the Volunteer tab on the top navigation toolbar, you will be able to find:

  • Opportunities that your company has added to the platform and are company specific
  • Navigation tools to search for Millie wide location based and remote volunteer opportunities. These volunteer options are carefully curated and added by the Millie team. If you are unable to find any in your location, feel free to reach out to team@milliegiving.com to have some added.
  • The option to add outside volunteering hours to your profile and your company’s overall dashboard count. To add offline volunteering hours, follow these directions.